News Post
Happy Wheels Javascript is UP
By Jim on December 28, 2020

Moments before the horrific, blasphemous death of flash, the java script version of Happy Wheels has arrived. That was close. Sorry for the delay. Hopefully the fear of losing Happy Wheels did not prevent your restful sleep. If you didn't even know it was in development, then here is your exciting news.

This is the first public version of the game, so please allow some time for the remaining bugs to be ironed out. Though I still love flash, what's great about this version is that it performs very well on mobile devices. However, this release does not yet include on screen mobile controls. That will be added in the next update. If you're desperate to try it out on your phone, a bluetooth keyboard works very well. Though I mentioned previously that the game would now run at 60 fps, some of the heavier levels definitely bog down at that framerate. It is already possible through a setting though, so perhaps I could host a 60 Hz version on another page for those with super beefy processors. Aside from that, Happy Wheels JS should be pretty close in every way to the original. The database of users, levels, and replays remains the same. The only thing lost is the impending doom of the end of existence.

Goodboy Digital are my friends in London responsible for the port of the game, and they have my eternal thanks. This took far more effort than expected, and they even managed to make a custom port of box2d just to maintain all the quirks of the original game. I'd also like to thank site and discord admin Kittenswolf for his help, and everyone else beta testing on discord for the past few months. Thanks to everyone else for still playing Happy Wheels 10 years after its launch, even without updates. I don't know why this is still happening, but I wouldn't be doing what I'm doing without your help. Special no thanks to the few international randoms who have inspired a resurgence in DDOS'ing the site over the past couple months.

The original flash version of Happy Wheels will, for as long as possible, be located here.

Yes, my full time job is still developing the sequel. No, I am a slow recluse and will not share anything. Ok, that's it seeya.
Comments — Page 1
By MarkusMMA on July 25, 2024

yo, i don't know if Jim died. i can't stop thinking if he died or not , but i want to hear some news if he's alive or not..
By FriedNuggetsAreGreat on July 22, 2024

Why are people still replying? Jim Isn't going to update the game.
By spunchglock on July 21, 2024

half life alyx is hl 3
By Mrzynifox on July 20, 2024

happy wheels 2 pls
By IdolZTRulz on July 18, 2024

if half life 3 really comes out before happy wheels two, i don't think jim can count
By poopsoaod on July 15, 2024

give hapy whels 2 ples
By spunchglock on July 12, 2024

bro when are we getting happy wheels 2 i know it takes awhile to make games but come on ive been happily waiting for years please i have erectile disfunction because im sad from waiting
By Themilkmansclone on July 11, 2024

This cool or whatever anyways I think I'ma go get me something to eat bye ahaha
By SimilarFlyer0 on July 10, 2024

@Explorer Guy real that has to be a joke lmao i really hope you aren't that stupid to be serious about that
By Maks_Baks on July 05, 2024

im gay
By SheezyTTV on June 30, 2024

the WASD controls dont work, please fix your game
By Beansquit Animations on June 30, 2024

1600th comment
By Anonymous018384 on June 30, 2024

Why does the game lag so bad and crash it is so annoying (it works sometimes but other times this happens)
By andrei_sukorukov55 on June 30, 2024

Does Jim knows that i put it here?
By Explorer Guy real on June 28, 2024

the sequel is taking YEARS to be released, I hope this game is worth it.
By DOnkeHolw on June 26, 2024

sum new ah comments here
By nathanielmitchel on June 19, 2024

[https://domain Key1] [[https://domain|Key2]] [Key3](https://domain) [Key4]: https://domain <a href="https://domain">Key5</a> [url=https://domain]Key6[/url] “Key7": https://domain [link= https://domain url]Key8[/link]
By EpicFace_Studios on June 16, 2024

happy wheels 2 will come out in 999999999999999999999999999999999 billion years
By Hrafnkell123 on June 15, 2024

thanks man
By LWPeterson on June 11, 2024

I'm still here.
By hfnhvbuevbyevb on June 06, 2024

I hope they make some new game or a new update to happy weels :/
By talkalot125 on June 04, 2024

I'm 22 now I think I started when I was like 8!
By auehlolol on June 03, 2024

legends say the new game is still in development
By danya5682 on May 31, 2024

yeah, this flash player is gone on December 31st, 2020! rest in peace.!
By Mark Rush on May 29, 2024

can we revive Old School Stuff? BTW when will u finish the rest of the Player Characters it's been a decade
By GokakuChunky on May 24, 2024

manz i needaz thats happy weels 2 pllaees
By HeavixdFullHD on May 22, 2024

the sequel was the friends we made along the way
By Zemrekir on May 18, 2024

2d is better
By Shh_GUTZ on May 15, 2024

Ngl i really hope that the Sequel Is 3D rendered, it would be so damn awesome to see the G0re 3D and the characters, Anyways Jim Take your time if these Bozos are not patient for the Sequel it's their Fault, You Keep working hard Byee byee
By FacelessMc on May 09, 2024

GTA 7 will be out by the time happy wheels 2 comes out.
By DarioDaftrioHW on May 08, 2024

jim why is t2x2 all over my browse levels page in my happy wheels
By sanchez015 on May 07, 2024

I can't run this on windows 7
By KebabAirlines on May 04, 2024

may the 4th be with you
By idkwhattotypehere on May 01, 2024

if yall keep saying "hApPy wHeElS 2 wHiLl nEvEr rElEaSe????" it means that yall dont know what patience means
By fishtimegamer on April 24, 2024

By imperfectcub on April 19, 2024

I can see you, Jim. Hmm... what's that? You're still working on Happy Wheels 2? Lies.
By DivotDigital_ on April 17, 2024

there will be no sequel. face it.
By Ultimatekevin on April 17, 2024

While y'all are crying about Happy Wheels 2, I just found out Happy Wheels 1 still exists and can finally play it after 12 years! Wooohooo!!!
By EpicFace_Studios on April 16, 2024

i think the sequel will come out by 2050.
By the_epic_guy on April 07, 2024

It's such a shame that the game was straight up abandoned after the port, making levels without being able to use the scroll wheel is absolute hell on earth
By datafox24 on April 07, 2024

the sequel is vaporware
By Trevor2003 on April 05, 2024

Somehow a 2019 gaming laptop that runs BeamNG on ultra graphics at 40-50 FPS with 2 cars spawned on a high detail map can't run this at 30 FPS... I forgot how spaghetti code this game was that my old Dell Windows XP computer ran this like a modern day 2024 20k Gaming Desktop
By bob coolness on April 01, 2024

HAPPY WHEELS 2!!!! Check out my ancient levels!!
By Cmedia Canada on April 01, 2024

Red rectangley: I WANT MY HAPPY WHEELS 2!!! HEY YOU JIM, GIMME HAPPY WHEELS 2!!! Jim: Oh okay, you want your Happy Wheels 2? Red rectangley: YES I STILL WANT HAPPY WHEELS 2 FOR US Jim: Alr, in few years... (few years later...) Red rectangley: (dead)
By Albertodanger64 on April 01, 2024

oh no, happy wheels doesnt work ??????
By banana359 on March 30, 2024

Why can't I play Hot Wheels? Every time I try to play this game it says "Aw, Snap! Error code: Out of memory", this never happened before but now it always happens.
By doritoenhancer on March 22, 2024

14 years for the sequel? GTA 6 might beat you to it.
By dinyTheDino on March 22, 2024

its been 14 years, GIVE US THE DAMN SEQUEL??
By ice cube studios on March 22, 2024

you promised me that you will give happy wheels 2 where is it
By Ramazan0520122007 on March 18, 2024

wow very cool
By eri_elle_2013 on March 18, 2024

Are you dead?
By Aspargussy on March 11, 2024

Things that might happen in the next 20 years: GTA 6, Happy Wheels 2, the new My Bloody Valentine album
By gublegable on March 06, 2024

My levels aren't appearing in the level browser and this has been happening with most of my levels. Can we get a fix for this?
By qwertyuiop117 on March 05, 2024

exactly the paluten levels are so bad
By idkwhattotypehere on March 04, 2024

happy wheels is flooded with these crappy paluten levels (and i hope happy wheels 2 will be cartoony just like happy wheels 1)
By youveeveeeque on March 04, 2024

By Kristi15 on March 03, 2024

By OrlandoBrake on March 03, 2024

Plz Happy Wheels on Playstation <3 !
By YaseenLeader on February 29, 2024

still waiting btw its leap year
By ChooChooVr on February 27, 2024

By justmakechaos on February 26, 2024

RIP Happy Wheels
By Ramazan0520122007 on February 26, 2024

By bygcjkgyrgb on February 23, 2024

I wish all [PEOPLE WAITING FOR HAPPY WHEELS TWO] a very pleasant evening.
By theshywillraindeath on February 22, 2024

v LOL v
By BlazeNeetros on February 20, 2024

It's been 4 years Jim. Gta 6 is going to come out before Happy Wheels 2 comes out.